Saturday, June 28, 2014

Q's growth hormone update

We found out in March that Q has a growth hormone deficiency. We went into our pediatrician for a well check up and since he hasn't been growing we decided to order the tests at the hospital to get some blood work done and a bone age x-ray of his hand. We got results back a couple of days later and sure enough he isn't making enough growth hormone. Our pediatrician then referred us to a pediatric endocrinologist in Salt Lake. We drove down there in April to meet with this doctor and to get some more accurate blood work done. The doctor is now monitoring him for six months and we go back in Oct. We also made an appointment at Primary Children's for a second opinion. This has been extremely hard on Bran and I. It weighs on our minds ALL the time. The unknown is the worst part! Q on the other hand is a CHAMP!!! He is such a brave little boy! He has gotten poked and prodded multiple times and I'm sure many times to come and has never complained once! I will update as soon as we meet with our doctors in Oct. 

Q was so brave they gave him a blue teddy bear at the hospital and we also went to target afterwards so he could pick out a toy. What a trooper:)
Our day trip to SLC… LOVE this boy!!!!

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