Monday, September 23, 2013

Liam's cookies and milk party

After we got home from the cabin we had a cookies and milk party for Liam. It was a great night with family!!!

 Liam got this adorable little motorbike from Grandma and Grandpa Kelley. He loves it!! He is not great at the whole steering thing yet but I personally think he loves ramming into stuff at full speed:)

 Happy birthday to you....

 Happy birthday Liam!!! We love you to bits!!! We are so lucky to have you in our family. You definitely keep us on our toes and we LOVE it that way! 
At two years old....
favorite food-noo noos (noodles)
favorite toy- Twacks (trucks)
Favorite show- Mickey Mouse
Favorite things to say- "what you doing" "mom, mom, mama, mommy" ALL day long "dad(tintin)(mom) where are you" He is quite the talker now a days. Its the cutest!!!
Loves to wrestle, play with his trucks, play outside, take baths, read books, make messes, and play basketball.
Dislikes are staying in his bed, being in his car seat and people getting in his personal space.
He his a tiny little man coming in at a whooping five percent on the charts for his two year old check up. (at least he is on the charts!!)
He wants everything Quinton touches which results in a lot of fighting lately...URG!!! It's a good thing Q is so sweet and usually gives in to him. 
He never holds still and always walks on his tip toes. 
He's a runner which makes for some super fun grocery shopping...NOT!!!
He is the cutest, busiest, funniest, and most the time sweetest two year old around!!!
Thanks to everyone for the presents, money, calls, and birthday wishes. We love you!

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