Sunday, July 29, 2012

Baptisms and Boise

At the beginning of June we got to see our little niece Brinley get baptized. She is such a cutie and we are so proud of her.

Q and Brinley. Grandma Kelley gave a talk at the baptism using this armour and Q would not take it off.

That weekend we headed to Boise to see our nephew Beau get baptized. Bran got the opportunity to baptize him. It was such a special day.

We are a good looking bunch. Quinton and Nate's pose in this picture is cracking me up...Q will spider man you any chance he gets.

Grandpa Kelley and Liam.

Nate hanging with all the kids.

We had a BBQ after the baptism. We spent the rest of the afternoon eating, laughing, and playing outside.

While we were there we also went shopping, swimming, and out to eat.

Nate and Heather even gave Quinton their Wii and Q is obsessed. He is ridiculously good at Mario Kart and beats me every time. Thanks again Nate and Heather.

It was a wonderful weekend!

Hangin on the farm

Bran went out of town a few months ago to watch the Braves play the Diamondbacks in Arizona with his dad and brother. While he was gone we spent a lot of time at my parents house and my kids were in heaven. Q absolutely loves it out here. He thinks helping Papa outside is the BEST! I'm pretty sure my dad loved having him as his side kick for a couple days.

Mowing the lawn with Aunt Madi.